
Created With

linkThe Query Runner

The QueryRunner class can be used for arbitrary Cypher or Object-Graph mapping, without the need of defining Models. The parameters need to provide information about the labels etc. Bind parameters are used interally so there no need of escaping variables.

It also provides some utilities to help with running your queries.

linkCreating a QueryRunner Instance

To run queries, a QueryRunner instance is needed.

1linkconst queryRunner = new QueryRunner({

2link /* --> a driver needs to be passed */

3link driver: neogma.driver,

4link /* --> (optional) logs every query that this QueryRunner instance runs, using the given function */

5link logger: console.log

6link /* --> (optional) Session config to be used when creating a session to run any query. If a custom session is passed to any method, this param will be ignored. */

7link sessionParams: {

8link database: 'myDb'

9link },


The Query RunnerCreating a QueryRunner Instance

Introduction Getting Started


Sessions and Transactions

Query Builderchevron_right
Query Runnerchevron_right

Bind Parameters

Where Parameters