Overview Defining a Model Instances Creating Nodes and Relationships Merging Nodes and Relationships Updating Nodes and Relationships Deleting Nodes Deleting Relationships Finding Nodes and Relationships Hooks Temporary Databases
A QueryRunner
instance can be used to run arbitrary/raw queries.
1link/* --> let 'queryRunner' be a QueryRunner instance */
2linkconst result = await queryRunner.run(
3link /* --> arbitrary Cypher */
4link `MATCH (u:Users) WHERE u.id = $id RETURN u`,
5link /* --> (optional) bind parameter for the statement */
6link {
7link id: '1'
8link },
9link /* --> (optional) an existing session or transaction to use */
10link null,
13link/* --> the result is the QueryResult from the neo4j driver */
14linkconsole.log(result.records.map((v) => v.get('u').properties));